


Sports 2023-2024
Sports 2023-2024

The Anna University Zone 2 women’s volleyball tournament was organized by our college on 26 th October, 2023. Over 10 college teams participated in the tournament.

Sports 2023-2024
Sports 2023-2024

Our college had participated in the Anna University Zone 2 Kabaddi tournament in 27 th October, 2023 on the St.Joseph College of Engineering. Our college Kabaddi team secured the Third position in the tournament.

Sports 2023-2024
Sports 2023-2024

Our college football team participated in the Anna University Zone 2 football tournament in 19 th October,2023 held at The PB College of Engineering. The Team got into a good position.

Sports 2023-2024
Sports 2023-2024

The AC Muthaiya Trophy was held at the Sree Venkateshwara College of Engineering on 26 th February, 2024, our college football team was invited to play in the tournament.

Sports 2023-2024

Our college football team participated in the Saveetha Trophy 2024 which was held on 4 th March, 2024 at Saveetha University, Chennai.

Sports 2023-2024
Sports 2023-2024

The AC Muthaiya Tournament was held at Shri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, our college was invited to participate in the tournament on 23 rd February, 2024. In which they secured 3 rd place.

Sports 2023-2024
Sports 2023-2024

Our college cricket team participated in the Saveetha Trophy 2024 which was held on 4 th March, 2024 at Saveetha University, Chennai.

Sports 2023-2024
Sports 2023-2024

Kowsalya. B, department of IT, 3 rd Year from our college is the Gold medalist in the Anna University Karate tournament, and also she participated in the Inter-University Karate tournament which was held at Haryana.

Sports 2023-2024

Our college Cricket team participated in the Anna University Zone 2 cricket tournament which was held at Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering on the second week of September, 2023.